Friday, May 29, 2009

The exam, is over...

Finally, last day on 28th of May 2009, the Mid-Year Exam is over...
as usual, our SDJ tradition, screaming wouldn't be excluded~
Our class monitor, is the one who always brings the whole class hot and keep screaming...
Our school juz like to get an earthquake in that second, my ear drum is almost fully damaged by them all...~haix~

Lagi sedap, i went home, the internet finally got it though smoothly, I've been lagging and delaying for days and hours...Drives me to madness~Slow more than a turtle and snail...
Downloaded some games, and I'm damned boring that, the game i downloaded is so lame...
Haix, turned back and continue my XDO~

I think this should be some secret that should kept from my parents~
Cuz i spamed my keyboard when playing XDO (You can try, I was playing "Gravitation" on Hard) and I felt something fishy about the keyboard that some key would not responce when it get stroked~
Lol, but finally now is alrite, back to normal~XD

Our camp on 2nd~3rd June is coming! Join us have some fun!
I gotta get ready with my stuffs~Hahax~

Wednesday, May 27, 2009























有一天,妈妈邀请了她的同学来家里吃饭, 妈妈准备了烤鸡,却发现忘了买果汁。


















我看清了 所谓的亲情 爱情;人冷暖;竟然是那样的露骨! 
我竟然是那样的 懦弱; 
我丢的;是“心”我用心经营 很久的 东西;一直都认为很纯; 
我失去了我的所有 ;信心;尊严;傲骨; 
我现在最重要的;就是调整好自己的 心态 ; 
我想给自己换颗全新的:‘心’但我知道这样很 不现实; 
就有希望;告诉那些;眼光 短浅的人们; 
将是多么的无知;等着吧;我会以一个全心的面貌 ; 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

TMD!!! Spot Check! @.@

Scratching my head, it's going to bust~...
I'm sitting on my Mid-Year Exam, in the paper of mathematic...
Dude, I knew that today is mathematic paper~
But I forgot to bring my calculator!!!

Somehow, my buddy, Koo, did borrowed me his calculator...
We shared, and is fun and fishy in the screen of the calculator that we did something...lolx^^
Suddenly, The 'Panda' walked though the walkway outside our class...
We all though that he is going to have a word about the 'whole class ponteng' case.

His footstep stopped on the front door of our class...
We thought he is going to nag on us...But, there are more footsteps heard from the walkway outside...
That's one of our discipline teacher, Mr. Rezuan. Though, he's popular-1(erm, thats inverse of popular)cuz he does often play tantrum towards the students. This is not worse either, juz a little scared and for awhile...Suddenly, we saw another man, slacked in white top with blue stripes and black bottom...OMFG! Is Mr. Prabha! Something's fishy here...
We, the whole class felt something bad's gonna happen on here...

They say nothing, coming though, in to our class and walked to the back part of our class...
(DotA version: Teacher=Roshan and Student=Level 5 hero) (Situation 3 Roshans vs 29 lvl 5 Heroes, and sure 3 Roshans won the match because they stun us when they walked in my class)
Their first action make a stun to us~ They took our bags, search and check for prohibited items in school (like mobile phones u know, MP3s, and other stuffs).
A freezing current blow though our class, makes us freezing(hardly move!)...
If not mistaken, more than 90% of my classmates brought their phones...

This was nothing to me as my phone is not there in the bag~
Our first hero who sacrificed, our beloved Collin Tan, who is the first one who get body search...
This check make us stunned for a couple of time...
We started to panic, this is a serious matter if we got caught...It's no more kidding rite now...

Those people who got their chance, hide their phone in some funny places like XXX(ofcourse i can't say, sweetie), dodged this danger spot check...Lol, you are asking me why isn't there any story about myself? You gotta ask youself, if you were me, will you write out? I don't think so...
I've got news that the whole Form 5, the teacher's got more than 50 mobile phone on this spot check...

Those who got caught, must call their parents or guardians to get back their phones...
I think principal is wondering to have a parents day today~(Cuz I think the parents who present today is more than the real parents day on the school's open day~=.=!!) I'm shocked though~XD

Anyway, guys, you see this passage, careful to bring your mobile phone to school.
A notice for you guys, beware...I warned you~ Never never ever get caught by this stupid spot check again and again!!!

This is nice~

Hey dude, who say english is easy??

Fill in the blank with the word 'Yes' or 'No'

1. _______, I am a pig.
2. _______, I am not a human being.

Give me your answer if you dare!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Arh, another sunday...

Oh my god...My daddy wanted me to be teached by him!!!
Tuition time...Gosh...The hell hour for the wonderful day...
Anyway, I went kitchen and prepared Speghatti for all after that~
It was delicious! Glad I'm a great cooker...Hahax...

Anyway, today is juz a peace day, nothing to talk about...
And I'm wondering that am I going for the DotA competition?
Hi there, any team needs me? Haiz...I don't think so~
Hey, PaPa, thanks for your songs! Thats nice one~Dude!

The Mexico Flu! a.k.a The pig flu~

Oh my god! A new disaster to us! This monster virus!
To all my buddies, In this passage, I wanted to show how I love you, how I care about you.

This virus is airbourne! So do have your masks weared everyday!
This is not only for yourself, but your buddies, your family members, you beloved girlfriend/boyfriend, your schoolmates, your teammates!

I'll write more about this virus and the way to defend  it when I have more info I got~
Remember, you are loved by someone. No one wants you to be the patient of this virus!
And remember, tell your peoples around you, make them aware of this bacteria...

I'm juz writing out my feeling, don't care about me~

Yea~big day! For me~
As usual, piano lesson...Skill still like a basket though I'm grade 7...

being dumped, I was damned sad...
You know something? A girl, at first that said she loved you so much and wanted to be with you, but on the middle, she said you are not good enough for her...
This is nothing, she wanted to break, I remember it was on a saturday, I was sad...
Here comes the joy, on the next day, she told me she was wrong and she apologized...

I should have her listen to the song: 'Apologize' by Timberland...To said that she is too late to apologize on that time...
But I did not, I was soft hearted, and I accepted back her...
We did happy after that day...

One day after her school camp over, we smsed by the morning before school, as usual, and when I was back from the school on the same day, she stopped me from smsing her...
she said that her mum stops her, and me...
I was abit sad of that...I don't want to leave her by that time...I begged her, we said that we'll be contacting after one week...

But two days later, one sms came into my phone...Is her...
Here comes the hurt!Message wrote:
'You, leave me! I was in love with another guy...He's with me now, juz beside me...what were you? You will not be at my side when I'm alone...'
Oh hell, juz that month, I smsed her 982 messages juz like an crazy idiot...I'm with her on the phone when she's lonely, when she's on her meal, even in the toilet! What is the meaning by 'You are not with me when I'm alone'?

By the time, I almost fainted, the tears rushed out from my eyes...
My heart was sliced into pieces...Eye were swollen on that night...
If you were the main actor in this show, will you feel you are going to die?
I were! I felt! Death, is juz the only way could cure my broken heart...

And now? I don't know what she is doing...But yet, sure she with another guy...
I tried not to think about her anymore...I tried as hard as I could...
Luckily, there is a girl, always stay beside me when I'm alone, when I'm stressed, when I'm sad...
That was another way for curing my heart disorder...

The only entertainment for me when I'm bored outside not at home, is my mobile phone...
She did gave me some photos, and i chose the best one for my wallpaper, and the runner-up for the screen saver.
Juz when anything happens on the phone, any messages, any calls, anything, I will got her picture in my eyes~
Is a kinda hapiness feeling, I don't know why~

I'm glad, I walked out the heart disorder, I walked out from the sad pass...
If you see this, please message me~ I wanted to thank you! I wanted to thank you for everything you helped me~My great PaPaBear~

P/S:Any inconvenient caused by the langauge of this passage, I'm sorry~I'll try to convert it into a chinese version if you like to~

Friday, May 1, 2009

Haiz...Kinda confuse...

Labour day! Any special for me? Nope~...==
Have to go to school some more!!!
Although juz for a basketball game...Blek~:-P
Still thinking about the craps...Relationship~

I wonder why that the relationship is so hard for us...
i had juz put down my relationship between her...
And yet, now is the turn of my sister...Haiz...
She's very pain and I felt the pain for her too...

She smsed me at about 11pm yesterday...
She was sad about some decision made by her boyfriend...
But I was slept...that time...
I woke up at about 1am and i replied her message and thinking to continue my sleeping...

My phone vibrated...She cried...I was with her for the whole night...
We shared our experience and thanked god I have a sister like this that could always stay beside me and cares about me. She was in a terrible feeling that night...
I was tired, I was dried up, but yet I took the chance to be with my sister...

And today morning, she woke up 7am as said to be unusual early...
She must be something in her mind...But when i asked, she said she was okay...
How can I know more about her? When I broked, she cares me alot...
Now is she going to break? If it is, I will always on her side and be with her for the whole nite juz like this dawn...I love you 姐...Always~