Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Yeah~It had been 3 weeks~! My phone comfiscated by school...
Finally came back to my hand, with a thick layer of dust=.=!!
Battery flat till~~almost can't be turned on~But luckily I'm the electronic Doctor XD
It's done rite now~Wakaka~!!

Nothing much happen today...Cousin went back~...Dad didn't work but whole day not home~...
And urm...Juz basketball lor~Make wet myself=.=...
Nothing le lor~...Maybe continue my Dragonica later bah~...hehe^^
Eh, juz for fun lar...not seriously play de leh~Uh uh, who got play XDO!?
I solo play very sien ar!RAWR!! Who got play tell me~~

May god bless me, my friend, and my family~~

1 comment:

Shirley92 said...

me got play !